
Addressing 5 Top Challenges of the Modern Workplace

26 February 2020

The modern workplace is one that’s flexible, agile, collaborative, and in some cases, virtual. It connects distributed teams locally and across the globe. For all that, though, there are still some significant challenges.

The influx of information and technology in the enterprise creates greater complexity, in addition to security concerns, a lack of control, a shortage of resources, and not enough clarity. However, these five problems can be solved with the right collaborative solutions.

What Does the Modern Workplace Look Like?

While it has removed some barriers to collaboration, the structure of the modern workplace has actually created some obstacles as well.

A modern workplace might not even be an office, as more and more people work from home, coffee shops, or on the road. Employees need to find a way to collaborate with each other; that might mean using apps or solutions that aren’t approved by IT. Yet, budgets aren’t growing enough for IT to control the upsurge in unauthorised apps and solutions.

Additionally, there’s more information available than ever before; humans are generating data at a breakneck pace. Can that information be trusted? More to the point, can you make the right business decisions based on that data?

The Five Challenges of the Modern Workplace

From the scenario outlined above, you can see there are five challenges that the modern workplace poses:

  • Greater complexity
  • Security concerns
  • A lack of control
  • A shortage of resources
  • Not enough clarity

Greater Complexity

One of the issues facing the modern workplace is a greater degree of complexity. What does that mean, exactly? There are two sides to complexity: a technological side and a people side.

On the technological side, we’re using a wider variety of software than before. That means that we have to find a way to enable all the different software solutions we use to communicate with one another. On the people side, managers must contend with a mobile, and in many cases, remote workforce. It’s more difficult to monitor people and ensure that they’re productive when the workforce is distributed.

Security Concerns

Another problem that the modern workplace has created is security concerns. Because technology is evolving faster than the enterprise can keep up, employees are using apps that aren’t approved by IT to collaborate with coworkers.

These apps aren’t built with security in mind. In fact, they can present an enormous risk to your firm. Because there are so many of them, IT can’t keep track of them all, which brings us to the third problem in the modern workplace: a lack of control.

A Lack of Control

The sheer number of unauthorised apps means that IT can’t control the security risk for the company. When IT personnel can’t control what apps employees are using, they get frustrated. They can’t do their jobs properly, and they’ll become disengaged and demoralised. Low morale and engagement costs you money because they negatively affect productivity.

A Shortage of Resources

Yet another problem in the modern workplace is a shortage of resources. This is especially challenging against a backdrop of increased complexity, security concerns, and a lack of control over what employees are doing with IT assets.

It’s an even greater problem when you consider that budgets are not going to magically increase. In fact, everyone will have to do more with less. That makes it more difficult to manage, especially with the ever-growing numbers of remote employees.

Not Enough Clarity

Added to the list of challenges above is not having enough clarity. There’s more information out there than ever before, and it’s incredibly easy to generate data (think of how quickly you can post something to Facebook or create a tweet). However, just because there’s more information doesn’t mean it’s good information.

If you don’t have good information, you can’t make the right decisions. Poor decisions cost companies by hurting revenue and reputations. On top of managing the other challenges mentioned above, you also have to be able to trust the information coming into your organisation, which is difficult in the face of unauthorised apps, a lack of control, and a resource shortage.

Microsoft 365: Solving the Challenges of the Modern Workplace

Microsoft 365 helps firms solve the challenges of the modern workplace by providing a single bundle of products: a smart, efficient operating system, mission-critical enterprise-grade security tools, and seamlessly integrated workplace productivity apps.

A Smart, Efficient Operating System

Microsoft 365 runs on Windows 10 Enterprise, a SaaS version of the popular operating system. Windows 10 Enterprise is easy to deploy as well as simple to manage.

This operating system provides IT professionals with greater control; they can customise features and apps, manage and secure devices remotely, and deliver virtual desktops on Azure. Windows also makes it easier to roll out updates, so you save time and money.

Mission-Critical Enterprise-Grade Security Tools

Windows 10 Enterprise includes Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), which automates security and synchronises defences.

Microsoft Defender ATP is agentless and cloud-powered, so there is no additional deployment or infrastructure. Moreover, it’s always up-to-date. It also provides unparalleled insights into Windows 10 and shows any potential threats.

Seamlessly Integrated Workplace Productivity Apps

Because Microsoft 365 seamlessly integrates workplace productivity apps, you don’t have to worry that your information is coming from unreliable sources. What you need is coming out of an official system of record.

When you can trust your results, you make better decisions. Better decisions lead to a stronger, healthier organisation.

Enlighten Designs: Helping You Solve Your Modern Workplace Challenges

Since 1998, Enlighten has guided clients through the changes taking place in the enterprise so that they can stay agile and competitive. We’re proud partners of Microsoft, having achieved Gold status in the categories of Application Development, Data Platform, and Data Analytics. To learn more about solving the challenges of a modern workplace, contact us today.

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