A human-centred approach to tackling business challenges.

Get clarity and alignment across a team. The perfect way to set a project up for success or to find a fresh perspective on a problem.

We question, listen, discuss and report back.


Enlighten Designs ILLUMINATE DISCOVERY will help you:

  • Gain valuable insights about a pressing business challenge 
  • Clearly define problems and opportunities so you can make well informed decisions 
  • Provide a holistic view of your business and enable better alignment across teams 
  • Make a plan for next steps 
  • Understand current situation and technologies used 
  • Capture required features, pain points, project intent and desired outcomes 
  • Uncover the customer value proposition 

What you can expect from this engagement

A bespoke discovery in which our Business Analysts & User Experience experts will help you work through a pressing business challenge and report back our findings and recommendations. 
  • Access to a virtual Mural board with output from workshops
  • Report detailing high level features, user stories, recommendations and a plan on a page for next steps
If your organisation could benefit from our Illuminate Workshop or any of our other services we'd love to speak with you. 

Give us a call 0800 499 933


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